The Certified Metrication Specialist (CMS) program is designed to provide documentary evidence for individuals who can qualify as metrication specialists because of their education and experience in the use of the modern metric system, which is known as the SI (International System of Units). It is a carefully monitored program under the direction of some of the nation’s top metric-system experts who operate as the USMA Certified Metrication Specialist Board.
The CMS program is structured to help maintain professional standards in the field of metrication. With the US conversion to the SI, companies, schools, government agencies, businesses, and other facilities will seek personnel who, in addition to their job skills, are knowledgeable about the SI. Any person who is knowledgeable about SI units/symbols and the rules for using them is eligible for certification as a metrication specialist. However, each applicant must supply proof that he/she has been involved in metric activities where the knowledge of SI has been obtained and expanded. A CMS applicant does not have to be a member of the USMA to become a Certified Metrication Specialist, and being a member of the USMA does not automatically confer CMS status.
The categories of the metrication specialist certification are:
- Certified Metrication Specialist (CMS): Requires knowledge of the commonly used SI/metric units and symbols, plus the rules for using these everyday units and the ability to perform calculations with the everyday units.
- Certified Advanced Metrication Specialist (CAMS): Requires knowledge of (1) the commonly used SI units and symbols; (2) the SI technical units and symbols; and (3) SI usage rules. Also requires the ability to use the SI in engineering/scientific/technical areas and calculations.
Lifetime rating
To qualify for the CMS/CAMS Lifetime rating, the candidate must:
- Currently hold a USMA CMS or CAMS certificate,
- Have held that CMS or CAMS rating for at least 3 years, and
- Email a paragraph about their recent metric activities to the President of the USMA.
If you have questions about the CMS program, contact the CMS Board Chairman.
To obtain an application for CMS and/or CAMS, contact the CMS Board Chairman.
The fee for processing either the CMS or CAMS application to ensure applicants are qualified to take either of the examinations and for preparing and delivering the USMA Honors certificate is $50.
CMS/CAMS exam process
The CMS/CAMS exam process is outlined below. Please email the CMS Board Chairman if you have any questions about or throughout the process.
1. Apply
Complete the application. Email the CMS Board Chairman for an application.
2. Locate a proctor
A proctor is someone to administer the CMS exam near you. The proctor can be a professor at your school, someone where you work, or other. Please note that if you have trouble locating a proctor, get in contact with the CMS Board Chairman.
3. Establish details with your proctor
You must establish in conjunction with your proctor a place, date, and time to have the exam administered. The maximum time allowed is 3 hours. The average time for one to complete the CMS exam is approximately 1.5 hours.
4. Send your proctor’s details to the Chairman
Once you’ve found a proctor and established details of the exam, send the name, mailing address, and email address of the proctor to the CMS Board Chairman.
5. Take the exam
The exam will be mailed to your proctor with an exam response sheet and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to mail the test back to the CMS Board Chairman. (Both the exam and exam response sheet must be returned.)
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