Why use the metric system?
- FAQ: Frequently asked questions (Answers to miscellaneous questions about the metric system)
- Decimal nature of the metric system (Why decimal is better)
- How going metric pays off (Stories of successful transition to metric)
- Unit mixups (Incidents, and in some cases costly disasters, that involved confusion between units or systems of measurement)
Using the metric system
- Commonly used metric system units, symbols, and prefixes (The basics of the metric system)
- Detailed list of units and symbols, plus SI unit diagrams (Charts showing relationships)
- SI prefixes and their etymologies (Prefixes and the origins of their names)
- SI unit definitions (Official definitions, both current and previous)
- Correct usage of the SI (Including usage errors seen frequently)
- Metric temperature scales (Celsius and Kelvin)
- Glossary of metric acronyms (initialisms, and abbreviations)
Background & history
- Origin of the metric system (From its origins to becoming adopted by most of the world)
- A chronology of the metric system (Important dates and associated documents in the history of the metric system)
- Metric-system-related events and anniversaries (Some are observed each year)
- Metric system laws and bills (Extensive law summaries.)
- Metrication in other countries (Advance of metric usage in the world, and how several other countries have changed to metric)
- Recent international metric advances (What is changing metrically outside of the US)
- Logos used in various metric transitions (Take the quiz and learn about metric progress around the world.)
- Decimal currency systems (Used throughout the world)
For your information
- Links to other selected (non-USMA) metric system information, standards, guides, and policies
- Reference publications: International System of Units (SI) (Important metric documents and standards: SI/metric usage guides, a few are free, some contain large tables of unit conversion factors.)
- Published articles about the metric system, metrication, and related standards
- Consumer products available in metric sizes (Examples of rational metric sizes/metric fills)
- Metric signs in the US (Some were installed in the 1970s, others are much newer)
- Our world in (metric) numbers
- Metric system cartoons (Examples of metric humor)
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