In preparation for Metric Week this year, the USMA is coordinating a national outreach campaign to increase metric system awareness by coordinating volunteers who will request a governor proclamation from each US state and territory. The USMA will post each proclamation PDF below, making it easy to access resources to promote Metric Week.
2024 proclamations
- Yet to be requested. Click to get proclamation request text.
- Requested
- Received. Click to view proclamation.
Requesting a proclamation
Because multiple proclamation requests for the same issue are not honored in the same calendar year within a given state, the USMA will coordinate proclamation requests by designating only one (1) team volunteer per state. Proclamation requests must be sponsored by a state citizen or an organization with close ties to the state. Ample time is needed by a state governor’s office to process a proclamation request. Some offices will not issue proclamations more than thirty days in advance while others require 4- to 6-week notice. Requirements vary by state.
Step 1 – Volunteer
Interested in championing your state Metric Week proclamation? Contact our Outreach Coordinator now to confirm if another USMA member volunteer has been assigned for your state.
Step 2 – Prepare and submit
Designated state champions: review the proclamation requirements, instructions, and deadlines for your state.
You can download the official state/territory proclamation text above by clicking on one of the “Yet to be requested” states. The Outreach Coordinator will provide the official Cover Letter template. Each official volunteer agrees to use the approved metric week proclamation text and update the state/territory and governor names on the approved templates.
Submit the proclamation request according to the instructions available from your state governor’s office. Some states accept requests by mail or email. Others require submission through an online portal. When submitting online, the required information should be copied/pasted into the appropriate fields as necessary.
Once the request has been submitted, await correspondence from the governor’s office. The approval process is not automatic. Do not make announcements regarding the proclamation until officially notified or contacted by a member of the governor’s staff.
Step 3 – Receive, scan & email USMA
Once you have been notified of the Metric Week proclamation and received the official document, email a high quality electronic file (PDF) to the Outreach Coordinator.
Step 4 – Promote Metric Week
The USMA will post each state proclamation (PDF) it has received on this page. USMA members and others are encouraged to access and use their state proclamation to promote Metric Week and raise awareness within their community.
Previous years
- Not requested
- Not received
- Received. Click to view proclamation.
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