Here are several puzzles relating to the metric system. All of the material in this section is provided in PDF format so you can easily print them. Some were derived from a series of fliers USMA produced in the 1980s, while others come from the indicated sources. Some puzzles include the solution with the puzzle; others, as noted below, have a separate solution sheet.

How hot is it in metric? A quiz about temperatures in degrees Celsius.

Metric word search: Find the hidden metric system words.

Test your metric knowledge: A quiz on how well you know everyday metric units’ values.

Metric expressions: Test your knowledge of metric terms in measurement idioms.

Metric: the choice is yours: A multiple-choice quiz on metric units.

Metric unscramble event: Unscramble jumbled metric terms.

Metric true and false quiz: A variation of a puzzle from a 1981 ANMC Metric Reporter.

Metric body measurements: Measure your body to get familiar with the metric system.

Metric system questions: A more advanced quiz about the metric system.

Sizing up the situation: Multiple-choice estimation of metric weights and capacities, originally published as Ideas for Metric Measure byArithmetic Teacher. Here are theinstructions and answers.

Metric crossword puzzle: A crossword puzzle with metric answers.

Measure your metric knowledge crossword: By George Sudikatus from the May/June 1988 issue of Metric Today.

Metric FUNdamentals crossword: From the book Metric FUNdamentals by Paul Ross Wallach, also published in the July/August 2003 issue of Metric Today.

Metric pyramid: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) training tool from the May/June 1995 issue ofMetric Today.

BentWord Search puzzle: A word search puzzle with scientists’ names by Paul French, Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy, SUNY College at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY.

Measured Madness: A word search puzzle by H. D. Allen from the January/February 1975 issue of AIR Metri-Gram, also published in the issue of Metric Bulletin.

Hexametric: A puzzle by H. D. Allen from the issue ofMetric Bulletin that tests your knowledge of metric unit relationships. Here is the solution.

Metric four-by-four: A puzzle by H. D. Allen from the issue ofMetric Bulletin that tests your knowledge of metric unit relationships — this puzzle is harder than it looks. Here’s the solution.

Metric acrostic: A metric-themed acrostic from the issue of the ANMC’s Metric Reporter. Here isthe solution.

Go metric crossword challenge—SI units: A crossword puzzle from the issue of the The NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) Technician.

SI puzzle for students (no.1): A crossword puzzle for numbers that are answers to simple math questions, from the May/June 1974 issue ofAmerican Metric Journal. Here is the solution.

SI puzzle for students (no.2): A crossword puzzle for numbers that are answers to simple math questions, from the July/August 1974 issue ofAmerican Metric Journal. Here is the solution.

Hidden Metrics: Can you find 13 metric-related words? This puzzle appeared in Volume 4, Unit 2 of theAmerican Metric Journal in 1976. Here is the solution.

Metric Word Puzzle: Can you find 34 metric-related words and phrases? This puzzle appeared in Volume 5, Unit 1 of the American Metric Journalin 1977. Here is the solution.
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